February 14, 2017
Ten Tips for Installing a Paver Patio This Spring
efore beginning any project, it’s wise to make a plan. So, if your next project happens to be a paver patio, then let the expert Orlando pavers at Bedrock give you some helpful tips to gettingstarted.
- Choose pavers: Rather than traditional materials that can crack after a period of time, pavers are easy to install, will end up costing you less in the long run, and they’re easy to repair.
- Get digging: Prep your area by digging about six inches into the dirt and having all cable, plumbing, or electrical lines marked.
- Create a barrier: To minimize unwanted vegetation worming its way into your patio, use a landscaping cloth to cover the total area of the patio. A good rule of thumb is to add an extra 10% more landscaping cloth to the total area that you are working with. This thwarts any chance of weeds growing near the edge of your patio.
- Make the base: Use a wacker plate compactor or tamper to pack in the paver base or sand until it’s solid, smooth, and level.
- Prepare for drainage: It’s good to have a level patio, but it’s important to make sure it slopes away from your home and toward an area that can handle extra moisture or successfully drain it away. Plan for a quarter inch drop for every two feet of distance.
- Solid edge: To secure your pavers, make an edge of more pavers, a cement lip, or metal/vinyl edging to improve the stability of your patio.
- Color variations: Keep an eye out for color when laying out your pavers. You want to make sure to keep a blend of piles to keep a natural look and avoid a patchwork style.
- Perfect fit: Use a wet saw or cold chisel to make cuts in your stones or bricks as needed, especially if you are creating a pattern.
- Sand the cracks: Set the pavers by applying a layer of sand over them until the cracks are filled. The sand will help helps deter weeds, allow drainage, and stabilize the pavers.
- Keep extra pavers: To make easy repairs, keep your extra pavers. You’ll never know when your specific paver discontinues, so play it safe, and store extras for future repairs or additions.
These tips will help you get started with your paver patio project, but before you begin, don’t forget the pavers! The Orlando paver experts at Bedrock provide all kinds of high-quality pavers for projects, so contact us at 407-499-8011 to begin your next project.